Unexpected Music
Apologies for the long gap since my last blog entry. First I went on holiday and when I returned there were a lot of other things taking my time and attention.
Returning to worship in Church involved a lot of preparation. The live worship experience was great but short lived as our Circuit wisely responded to the local restrictions by suspending worship until things improve in Liverpool.
The weekly routine of printing off and delivering worship resources is a rhythm which could become monotonous but throws up moments of joy, for example when I actually see the person whose door I am putting the letter though.
One of the unexpected pleasures this week was coming across a hymn/song which I hadn't heard before. In checking out one of the hymns chosen for our Circuit You Tube Service I cam across another with the same title. You can read the words below and listen/watch on You Tube.
What I like about this hymn is the way that it develops the familiar words of Psalm 19 verse 14:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
The hymn goes beyond the words we speak to speak about the path we follow, the songs we sing, the gifts we bring, the life we live and the ways that we give. To me this brings out the deeper meaning that the Psalmist was seeking to express - that every part of life would be pleasing to God. This is what we seek to do when we come to God in worship. There is the longing to honour God in every part of our lives, not just the words we use in times of worship.
The hymn shows that God the Redeemer and Rock is there to help us as we seek to help him by living his way. He is our creator, shepherd and guide.
The simplicity of the music seems to convey the single minded desire of the words and to bring out their meaning:
May the words of my mouth
on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9--BzoADfE
the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart
pleasing unto you, O God
the works of my hands and the path that I walk
pleasing unto you, O God
For you are my Redeemer, the Rock of
my salvation.
I long to bring you honour, in all I say and do.
the songs that I sing, and the gifts that I bring,
pleasing unto you, O God
the life that I live and the ways that I give
pleasing unto you, O God
For you are my Creator, my Shepherd
and my Guide,
I long to be you helper and follow by your side.
by Joseph M. Martin, Music by Brad Nix
This is one of the first memory verses I learned from my sunday school superintendent. He always quotes it before he preaches. Wonderful verse.